ST. LOUIS - Hope everyone is taking some time to re-energize, lay low and look at life through a different lens. This Coronavirus situation has everyone hitting the reset button. Everyone is feeling caged in, isolated and flat out bored of just sitting around waiting. Waiting for answers of what to do next.
Ironically, I was in this same situation at the end of last summer. It was not a case of the Coronavirus but a small case of the “Victimitis Virus.” A lot of people get infected with this contagious virus and they believe that everyone has it in for them and that the world owes them something. Believe it or not that was me.
Last August, I had a real heart to heart with myself about what would happen if basketball was taken away from me. For the first time in my life I was without basketball because at the tender age of 38 I ruptured my Achilles tendon and it required surgery.
All I could think of was why me? What would I do next? Who would I become after the long stretch of rehabbing and physical therapy? How would I get through these days? What type of father would I become, what type of husband, Coach and friend would I be after having to sit and wait, and wait, and wait on my body to finally say it’s time for you to get up and get back moving?
I hope by me suffering from the “Victimitis Virus”, some young people can view my situation and know how to handle themselves if they start feeling ill from sitting around over these next couple of weeks bored without the things they love. First things first, the world owes us nothing. It was here first. Don’t be a victim, be proactive.
The same approach I took with my Achilles, I’m taking with being isolated and self-quarantining. I hope that you guys can take the same approach and understand we can’t control everything that happens to us. We can’t control whether or not our sports seasons were cancelled. We can't control when we will be able to return to school or work. We can't even control whether or not things will go back to being the same. But there is one thing that we can control and that’s how we respond to our situations. That’s really all that matters.
With this situation, just like so many others that we will face in our lifetime; proactive people are frequently rewarded for their efforts. They take control of their lives and have more freedom to do what they want. Proactive people draw others to them with their positive, can do attitude.
For the next couple of days visualize what you want to do for the next five-ten years. Picture a background, where are you and who are you with? What are you guys doing? This exercise was very helpful to me because it started to evoke inner peace and had me equipped for whatever came my way. I've trained myself to live with many things that I can't do anything about. And you should too. Turn this setback into a triumph.
To all the families out there, take care of one another and hold the next person close to you accountable. Don't let them become a victim and just sit around and waste this very important time. It starts with the person in the mirror.
I have attached a list of basketball drills that can be done while isolated and home after you have completed all your school/home tasks. All you really need is a ball and some space in the backyard, basement, and or outside. Remember to be careful. Make sure that you properly take care of your hygiene like washing your hands and washing up after performing some or even all of these drills. Continue to strive for greatness in everything you do.
Coach Bryan Turner